Neural Circuits
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Extracellular Recording System


WHISPER is a cost-effective, modular, high channel count data acquisition system for extracellular neural probes.


High Quality Data

  • Simultaneous recording from 256 channels

  • 25 kHz per channel sample rate

  • Low input referred noise: 2.82 µVrms (10 kHz BW)

  • Up to 192 neural channels using custom headstages (W32C and W64A)

  • Up to 64 auxiliary channels (32 analog / 32 digital)

Modular Hardware

  • Flexible platform allows for a wide range of experiments, from head fixed to freely moving recordings

  • Neural data can be simultaneously collected from multiple acute and/or chronic headstages

  • Compatible with commercially available electrodes and silicon probes




WHISPER System Breakout Box

Head Fixed

Quick View

64 Channel Acute Headstage

Freely Moving

Quick View

32 Channel Chronic Headstage

Open Source Software

WHISPER utilizes SpikeGLX, a high-performance, open source, high-speed, data logging application for extracellular neural probes, to visualize data and save it to disk.

Public Github Project

All hardware design files are open source. Please visit the WHISPER Github page for more information.

Get Started

Please read the WHISPER user manual to learn more about setting up and testing a new WHISPER system.